Migratory tracks and home range for vonu e rao, vatu mau & bule lapa
Above is an animation of the tracks of four post-nesting hawksbill turtles tagged on Moso Island in 2023 and 2024. Makala, (2023) lives on the Great Barrier R eef. Vatu Mau’s home range is just south of New Caledonia. Vonu e Rao has reached the Great Barrier Reef and Bule Lapa is apparently on the same trajectory as Vonu e Rao… the Great Barrier Reef.

Above are the tracks of Makala, Vonu e Rao, Vatu Mau and Bule Lapa as of 2/16/2024.
HPA’s Sea Turtle Research Program completed its 5th field season on Moso Island Vanuatu on Jan 13, 2024. We were able to capture and tag three (3) post nesting hawksbill turtles and they were all safely and harmlessly released and are currently transmitting their locations.
Below is a short video of their trajectories since tagging and up to 2/13/24. Two of the hawksbills are still in the area off of the nesting beaches and will probably nest again. The third hawksbill has departed Vanuatu and is likely headed for New Caledonia.
Below, in order, are a video of recent trajectories , a video of an egg laying sequence and a gallery of images from the trip.