TID 2024


The HPA STRP Team (Charlotte, Laura and Marc) joined the Mauna Lani Auberge Resort’s Malama Honu Program on July 3rd to measure and weigh the 4 honu raised at the hotel.  These 4 honu were hatched at Sea Life Park Oahu and were sent to the hotel six months later.  

The 4 honu were in great condition and ready to be released on July 4th during the Turtle Independence day Celebration.  

JULY 4th

Charlotte, Laura and Marc joined the celebration on the 4th and set up an educational booth about sea turtles.  The day started at 0900 with loading of honu, the blessing and the parade to the release beach.  At 1030 they were ready to release the turtles and 4 special groups were honored by being asked to escort the turtles to the water for their release.  by 1115, all turtles had been released, the crowded was dispersing and we packed up our equipment and called it a day!

Below are some images of the experience: